This is our first paid rank. You can find it in the store.
This rank comes with /hat. hold and Item in your hand and type the command to wear your item on your head.
You can show off items in your hand by typing [item] in game.
This rank comes with access to the donator lounge. use /donator to find the lounge in the donator cave.
You will get your head and name placed inside the donator cave. Contact Isek if you cant find your trophy.
This rank has a total of 6 home sets. use /sethome .
Claimflags included in this rank are; Noenterplayer (prevents a player from entering your claim), Notifyenter (tells you when a player enters your claim, Notifyexit (tells you when a player exits your claim). to use type /claimflag . to see all available type /claimflags
Custom images will be able to be added to your home. With this rank you will get a limit of 6 images to add to item frames. The images are whitelisted at imgur and need to be copied in the – https://i.imgur.com format. Use this by typing /imageframe create combined
This rank allows you to add markers to your vanilla maps. use /imageframe marker. Then follow the prompts
You will get a 2nd plot with this claim. you can claim them in /plotworld
You can set 2 player warps with this rank. use /pw set . And also included in this rank is the ability to change the icon of your playerwarps in /pw
You will be able to have 7 total quests active at a time with Lunae. use /quest
Lunae comes with a total of 25 available player shops. Punch a chest with an item to start selling.
There are a couple gadgets that come with this rank. use /c to see them all. Included with lunae are the Firework and Snowball gadget cosmetics.