This is our 4th paid rank. You can find it in the store.
This rank includes ALL projectile effects in /c. Make your arrows pretty. Batblaster gadget, Parachute Gadget, and donkey mount also added
This rank includes a few armor stand editing perks. To edit armor stands, Right click a flint to open the menu, then click an armorstand to apply. With Iovis you can toggle gravity and rename armorstands.
Iovis allows 18 total items to be sold at once in /auction
there are a few /tools availble with this rank. /cartographytable, /anvil, /craft, /loom, /smithingtable, and /stonecutter
Iovis gains the ability to heal themselves with /heal
This rank has a new /kit. /kit builderdaily. see all kits with /kits
Iovis can set 25 total home sets. use /sethome
Many claimflags added to set at your claim. to see all available use /claimflags. To set use /claimflag . New flags included are; Exitmessage (sends a message to a player when they leave your claim), Healthregen (self-explanatory), Nochorusfruit (stops pesky players from teleporting around using Chorus Fruit), Noitemdrop (stops players from dropping items), Noplayerdamagebymonster (makes you immortal to mobs), Playerweather (allows u to set the weather for yourself).
Custom images will be able to be added to your home. With this rank you will get a limit of 9 images to add to item frames. The images are whitelisted at imgur and need to be copied in the – https://i.imgur.com format. Use this by typing /imageframe create combined
Iovis gains the ability to claim 5 plots in /plotworld. Stand in a plot and type /plot claim.
Iovis members can change the color of their player warp description in /pw
A total of 10 quests can be active at the same time for members of this rank. use /quest
Iovis rank allows up to 65 player shops to be created. Punch a chest with an item to start selling.