This is our 3rd paid rank. You can find it in the store.
This rank includes all of the death effects from /c
There are a few more armorstand editing permissons added to this rank. Toggling baseplates, disabling slots, and equipment modification. Hold a flint and right click to open menu, then click the armor stand to apply.
This rank allows a total of 17 items to be sold at once at /auction
This rank allows you to open a shulkerbox in your hand by right clicking. No need to place them down anymore!
You will gain access to /feed. This will fill your hunger
This rank includes 15 home sets. use /sethome .
Theres a large addition of claimflags added to this rank. use /claimflags to see them all. use /claimflag to add one to your claim. Claimflags included with mercurii are; Entermessage (used to set a welcome message that sends to any player that enters your border), Nohunger (your hunger level will not drop in the claim), Nopetdamage (no damage for your pets), Noweatherchange (keeps your claim in whatever weather you want), Readlecturns (allows players to read a lecturn).
various particle trails or icons available with /emote
Custom images will be able to be added to your home. With this rank you will get a limit of 7 images to add to item frames. The images are whitelisted at imgur and need to be copied in the – https://i.imgur.com format. Use this by typing /imageframe create combined
The ability to add overlays to vanilla maps added with /imageframe overlay. This allows u to add borders or images on your map. use the command and follow prompt before hitting enter.
You can show off your entire inventory to the server and discord by typing [inventory]
You will gain access to /chest. A portable double chest to store whatever you need
This rank includes the ability to rename items. Hold the item in hand and type /rename
This rank includes 4 total plots in /plotworld. Stand in a plot and type /plot claim
This rank includes a total of 3 player warps to be set using /pw set
You can change the rating color in /pw
This rank includes the ability to have 9 active quests at once. use /quest
This rank allows up to 50 player shops to be made. Punch a chest with an item to start selling.
this rank adds a couple cosmetics. Discoball gadget, Fungun Gadget, and Pig Mount. use /c