Orion is our 3rd Free voting rank. It can be obtained after reaching 200 votes.
This rank includes a total of 4 home sets. To set a homes, type /sethome
More claimflags added in this rank. To set them type /claimflag . The additional flags you will be able to use are; AllowInfest (allows silverfish to infest stone blocks), Notifyenter (notifies you when a player enters the claim),Notifyexit (notifies you when a player exits the claim). You can see all claimflags by typing /claimflags
Custom images will be able to be added to your home. With this rank you will get a limit of 3 images to add to item frames. The images are whitelisted at imgur and need to be copied in the – https://i.imgur.com format. Use this by typing /imageframe create combined
You will be able to have a total of 5 active quests using /quest
You can create up to 15 player shops with this rank. Punch a chest with an item to start selling.