This is our second Free Voting rank. you will need a total of 75 votes to obtain this rank!
This rank comes with more home sets. You will have a total of 3 homes you will be allowed to set. Do this by typing /sethome
With this rank you will be able to use colors on signs. use /colors in game to see the code for each color. You can then use them on a sign before your text by typing &
Custom images will be able to be added to your home. With this rank you will get a limit of 2 images to add to item frames. The images are whitelisted at imgur and need to be copied in the - https://i.imgur.com format. Use this by typing /imageframe create combined
You will be able to share the item you are holding in your hand with the whole server/discord by typing [item] in chat
With this rank you will be able to create a limit of 12 player shops. Punch a chest with an item to start selling
You wil be able to have 4 total quests active, to start a quest type /quest